Narayan Willis Counselling Services

Water Lane Cottage
12 Water Lane,
Bishop's Stortford,
CM23 2JZ.
113c High Street,
I offer a free 20 minute consulation
My standard fee is £70 for a face to face 50-minute session and
£50 for an online appointment.
I am open to discussing concessions with people who, due to current financial constraints, might not be able to otherwise access counselling.
I recognise that everyone is different and in a different place at every given point.
There is no judgement on my part, and I will offer the same services, regardless of the fee.
Cancellation Policy
If for any reason you cannot make your session, please let me know 48 hours in advance or earlier.
If you cancel within less than 48 hours’ notice, every effort will be made to accommodate you, but you may still be charged.